Universitat Rovira i Virgili




The Research Group on Territorial Analysis and Tourism Studies - GRATET is part of the Department of Geography of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Our research activity focuses on some of the main topics of interest in Geography and Social Sciences, using tourism activity, mobilities and functionally complex spaces as benchmark areas.

We focus our research on studying the relations between the dynamics of global changes and local responses, their effects on the re-structuring of space and the impact of public policies, planning and governance on the reorganisation of the area. We apply both quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques. In our research, new technologies and specific analysis tools such as GIS are fundamental.

1994 - Creación del Grupo de Investigación.

1994 - Research Group creation

1999 - Recognition as a Research Group of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili

2005 - Recognition as a Emerging Research Group (Direcció General de Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya)

2009, 2014, 2917 - Recognition as a Consolidated Research Group (DGR Generalitat de Catalunya) - 2009SGR744 - 2014SGR1270 - 2017SGR2


Coordination or active members of International Research Networks.



The International Network of Researchers in Tourism, Cooperation and Development - COODTUR was born at the School of Tourism and Leisure of the Rovira i Virgili University at the end of 2008 at the initiative of the Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament Rural de Lleida. This network was created with the clear intention of being an academic platform for the dissemination and transfer of studies and research on tourism and development, a tool to bring academia and development cooperation actions in the field of tourism closer together. This network is coordinated by different researchers from Spanish and Latin American universities and has a structure that is in charge of the necessary dissemination, publications, debates, recruitment, etc. It is currently made up of more than 100 members from 38 universities.



The Iberoamerican Network for Higher Education Research in Tourism - COODESTUR analyses the offer of higher education in tourism in different Latin American countries, both in the public and private sectors, in order to determine the limits and restrictions as well as the challenges and opportunities of training in this discipline through an integrated vision.